Borne out of the personal experiences of its Co-Founders, Carlene Davis and Kiara Harris, Sistahs Aging with Grace & Elegance was created to empower Black women with knowledge, strategies, tools and community support to thrive at every stage of the aging journey. Through education, advocacy, information-sharing and action-planning, the goal of Sistahs Aging with Grace & Elegance is for Black women to:
Maintain optimal levels of physical and mental well-being throughout their aging journey
Have the resources needed to be financially secure
Live in safe and stable housing that enables them to age-in-place and community for as long as desired and possible
Establish trust, estate and advanced health care plans that articulate their wishes in life and death
Experience caring and supportive family and community relationships
Remain active, engaged, and connected to a community of Sistahs who are Celebrating the Aging Journey together
California Black Women’s Health Project (CABWHP) was the first statewide, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and wellness of California’s 1.2 million Black women and girls. As a 30-year old cornerstone organization committed to elevating the voices of Black women and girls through education, policy, outreach, and advocacy, CABWHP engages in collaborative projects and initiatives focused on addressing the health disparities and inequities that Black women experience in the areas of:
Maternal and Infant Health
Reproductive Justice
General Health and Chronic Diseases
Mental Health
Interpersonal, Family, and Community Violence
Through leadership development, civic engagement, and sister circle supports, CABWHP empowers Black women to become active participants in improving their individual and collective physical, spiritual, mental, emotional well-being.
California Black Women’s Health Project is the fiscal sponsor and program partner for Sistahs Aging with Grace & Elegance.
Aging while Black is (AwB) a platform that explores the unique experiences of aging while Black in America. Catalyzed by Raymond A. Jetson, the mission of AwB is to create sustained actions that lead to substantial change and elevate the voices of Black elders in America.
Village Movement California
Village Movement California is a coalition of grassroots membership organizations (“Villages”) dedicated to implementing innovative, community-based solutions to empowering older adults to sustain independence and remain in charge of their lives as they age.
Villages create meaningful opportunities for growth, connection, and joy, while providing older adults with programming and expertise they need to improve their quality of life at all stages. Village Movement California believes in the power of community to achieve society-wide change in the way we age and envisions a society where people of all backgrounds and economic means can age with dignity, purpose, and self-determination.
Sistahs Aging with Grace & Elegance partners with Village Movement California to increase community awareness of options for aging-in-place.
The SCAN Foundation envisions a society where all of us can age well with purpose. The SCAN Foundation pursues this vision by igniting bold and equitable changes in how older adults age in both home and community. The Foundation prioritizes communities that have been historically marginalized with an emphasis on:
Older people of color;
Older adults with lower incomes (duals, near duals, and lower-middle income — below 400 percent of the federal poverty level); and
Older residents of geographically underserved areas.